I’m a passionate believer that you deserve to feel good.
And while I’m all for inner peace and gratitude as a way of life, I’m just starting to feel a little bit over society selling the belief that there is some sort of honor in making “settling” a habit. You deserve to feel good. Say it again, “I deserve to feel good”.
Raise your hand if it feels a little tough (no judgment here). In fact, I totally get it. I know firsthand how each time life throws us off the horse, it can feel harder and harder to get back up. My biggest horse-throwing moment was a severe roll-over car accident right before I turned 18 that had me in and out of hospitals for years. And honestly, other life-events like job changes, divorce, and moving, have felt just as hard. Time and again, Chinese medicine, holistic wellness, and self-care have been what have helped me back up. And it’s because of how they’ve helped me, that I know they can help you too.
I’m here for the people who are ready to feel big, and I’m also here to support you if you’re not quite there yet, because don’t worry, I get it. This whole health and wellness thing - it’s a journey, not a destination. And I recognize that just getting to the point of remembering the value of taking care of yourself is often the first step.
With Chinese medicine as my guide and acupuncture needles (and a few other cool things) as my tools, I’ve been working with people who are trying to find their best self since 2014, and I’m looking forward to working with you too.
The fine print:
I am lucky to be a graduate of one the highest ranked schools of Chinese medicine, located right here in Oregon, Oregon College of Oriental Medicine. While in school, I was honored to complete externships at Quest Integrative Health and Outside In, where I gained experience in drug and alcohol treatment programs and treating traditionally underserved groups. I’ve focused my continuing education on cosmetic and neuromuscular facial acupuncture techniques, musculoskeletal pain conditions and mental-emotional health. I ran a bustling clinic in Silverton, OR and a cozy boutique practice in the Goose Hollow neighborhood of Portland, OR. Most recently, I’m pinching myself over my decision to relocate my practice to Bend, OR. My family and I are loving and thriving in the natural beauty and outdoor lifestyle.